We are Glad You are Here!

We are a friendly & large congregation. You will be greeted and welcomed by many people. 

  • What is it like?
    • You will not hear sermons about all the rules you should follow or how you need to change for you to find God's favor.  Instead, you will hear about the grace of God, that became incarnate through Jesus' life, teachings, death, and resurrection, which have changed the world.
  • What about my kids?
    • Kids are welcome in worship, noisy or quiet! 
    • There is an unstaffed nursery for your use.  Please make sure an adult stays with your child. 
  • Where do I park?
    • There is ample free parking at St. Paul.
  • What do I wear?
    • You'll see many different types of dress, from very casual to business formal, so dress as you are comfortable.
  • How can I get connected?
    • Great Question!  Click on the button below to get connected!


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